New Year, new goals.

First of Happy New Year! :)
2014 was an amazing AND very challenging year for us... We start off '15 with two new pets, a toddler, a half finished house and two stay at home parents. My husband left his job with the promise of a new one that didn't really happened in the end, so, instead of winning and going insane we decided to take a step back and enjoy being both at home. It is, most of the time, great... He got to witness our son's first steps and is over the moon. We do bicker sometimes, due to being so close together but overall we're happy.
As a couple we try to make all life plans together and this may seem easy to some of you, but let me share my experience: it can get really bad, and loud. That is, before you talk for real and make compromises. :)

For this new year we have two "family plans":
1. Find JL a good bilingual school 
2. Travel together

At home we speak mainly in Portuguese to each other and to JL but I only read books in English to him and try to talk at least one hour a day in English and Spanish. (Our tv - thought not much used - is set to English and iPhone and iPad apps are set both in English and Spanish.) These three languages are all (roughly) latin rooted and so I want my son to have something different to be introduced to him while he's alphabetized... In the city we are living at the moment there is a strong Japanese immigration so I was thinking Japanese maybe. Any thoughts?!? 
And we have never traveled (for real, like overseas and all) as a family, we've being together for almost four years now and we have only gone to the beach max. Haha I'm planning an European or NYC + DC trip, not sure yet which we'll choose or even if we'll actually get to travel but I'm really excited about it! Let's see. :)

Ok! Now for my plans:
1. Exercise! (I hate exercising and love cooking/eating, as a result I went from a size 10 to a size 14 in less than eight months, looking at my son's bday party I got worried. Since I won't stop eating not cooking, exercising is a must! Lol)
2. No shopping for at least three months. (I know many people are saying no to shopping at all but I'm realistic, and I know I will shop eventually so 3 outta 12 seems reasonable to me!)
3. No more sodas. (I don't want my son to drink it, and I have gone without it before - pregnancy also - so, why not?!?)
4. No more fried stuff. (French fries not included! Haha All the rest is!)
5. Cut back on sugar. (I'll still have my  cookies and my midnight ice cream, but with moderation!)
6. Enjoy my family. (I know that's basic BUT people tend to put a lot of pressure on how you should/must conduct yourself, your life, your everything... And 2014 was intense because of those pressures, those talks and those people... Not anymore! Our lives, our decisions, ours. Not anyone else!)

I was thinking about doing the whole #whole30 and #capsulewardrobe thing but I'm still sceptic about both and since I'm not really good at keeping goals (yet!), I decided to go slow for 2015. 
That's my word for 2015: moderation! 
What about you? What goals did you make? :)

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